Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hitting Turbulence As I Approach My Weight Loss Goal

Despite the fact that I haven’t gone over my 1400 calorie daily limit and I have increased my working outs from 3-4 to 4-5 days per week, my weight has been bouncing. On June 1, I weighed 162.75, 3.75 pounds from my 159 pound target. Three days later I was down to 161.5, and two days after that, back to 162.75. I traveled last week to a workshop, but while I was on the road, I ate well (grilled salmon, steamed vegetables, boneless skinless chicken breast, fresh fruit instead of cheesecake, egg white omelet). I asked for no oil, and no salt, and I am pretty sure the calorie count was accurate. I even spent an extra 31 minutes on the treadmill at the Hilton. They had individual flat screen televisions in front of each treadmill so I got a little carried away watching the early morning news.

Possible Explanations

I may have taken in more sodium than my 1500 mg daily maximum and I could have temporarily gained some water weight. I may be adding more muscle because of my workouts. It may also be that as I approach my target, unknown forces conspire to impede my forward progress. Whatever the explanation, I am only two pounds from my target weight (pending verification by skinfold testing) and should be there at the end of another week.

Here are my recaps for the last few days. I am leaving out the estimates from the travel days.

Daily Dietary Recap-6/11/2007
Calories Protein Carbohydrates SodiumFat % Calories from Fat
1361.06 68.66 g 230.34 g906.92 mg 15.70 g 10.04%

Daily Dietary Recap-6/10/2007
Calories Protein Carbohydrates SodiumFat % Calories from Fat
1179.93 65.65 g 175.35 g1024.51 mg 14.14 g 10.79%

Daily Dietary Recap-6/9/2007
Calories Protein Carbohydrates SodiumFat % Calories from Fat
1254.9 70.98 g 195.85 g1194.3 mg 14.8 g 10.61%

Daily Dietary Recap-6/8/2007
Calories Protein Carbohydrates SodiumFat % Calories from Fat
1314 69.83 g 238.49 g1059 mg 16.42 g 11.25%


Anonymous said...

Bouncing numbers on the scale are frustrating - but the body just does that from time to time. You did great while on the road! Such will power is an ispiration.

Lady Rose

david mcmahon said...

Hi Joel,

Great to know the goal is getting closer.


Anonymous said...

Letting you know you have been awarded the Halo Blog Award. Feel free to stop by and pick up the graphic. (A link back is appreicated by not required).

david mcmahon said...

Hi Joel,

Hope all is well - haven't seen you update for a while.

You must be on summer holidays ....

Concerned about you


Joel said...

Hi David,

Yes, I have been on summer break from the college and doing some traveling. Sorry to have concerned you. I am back at the blog again, and as I have reached my target weight, the emphasis has changed from weight loss to fitness and body building.