Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Healthy Tortilla Chips

Last night I had a hankering for corn chips. I made some healthy chips and enjoyed them with some non-fat sour cream for a special treat. I’ve referred to healthy chips before, but this time I made them a little differently. I used Mi Casa tortilla chips (lower in sodium and fat), and put them in the microwave for thirty seconds until they became puffy. I finished them in the oven under the broiler so they crisped up and lightly browned. They were delicious and had only 40 calories per tortilla, .5 g fat, and 28.5 mg sodium.

Here is my recap from yesterday.

Daily Dietary Recap-4/17/2007
Calories Protein Carbohydrates SodiumFat % Calories from Fat
1353.54 57.5 g 270.75 g1232.49 mg 16.78 g 11.66%


david mcmahon said...

Healthy tortilla chips - man, you have a way to people's hearts!


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